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LinkedIn &

personal brand

Boost your employer brand by unleashing the power of engaged employees and managers on LinkedIn. That's why savvy companies are investing in their people and helping them create a personal brand that shines.

Your People Are Your Brand

CEOs, hiring executives, recruiters... they all co-create the employer brand today and influence what kind of candidates company attracts. We'll show you the secrets to crafting a compelling profile that tells your story, building a network of valuable connections, and creating authentic content.
We understand the importance of motivation, direction, and confidence in building a winning team of ambassadors. Let us show you the way.


Tvorba obsahu

Největší část je věnována tvorbě obsahu. Poradíme, jak si můžete vyladit LinkedIn, aby se stal užitečným zdrojem informací. Pak se podíváme na výběr témat pro vaše příspěvky, jak je tvořit, publikovat a jak pracovat s publikem.

Individuální konzultace

Na workshop navazují on-line konzultace, kde vás budeme vést a podporovat při budování osobního brandu. Neskončíme po jednom workshopu. Budeme vás podporovat další 3 měsíce.

Dostanete individuální přístup a kvalitní koučink.

Přístup do knihovny návodů, podkladů a obsahové inspirace.

Týdenní odběr tipů pro budování osobního brandu na LinkedIn.

Workshop programme

Personal brand vs company brand

Why personal profiles are more trustworthy

How social networks work

Examples of successful personal brands

Building the audience

How to search for contacts

Growing your network

Automation tools

The LinkedIn algorithm and maximum reach

Secrets of how LinkedIn works

Practical tips for increasing the reach of your posts

Design of personal profile

Basic principles and components

Storytelling in your profile

Profile improvements step by step

Content creation

Content inspiration

Copywriting basics

How to work with your audience

Creating a content plan

Personal profile versus company page

Why personal profiles are more trusted

How social networks work

Personal branding examples done right

Design your personal profile

LinkedIn profile fundamentals

Turning your profile into a story

Fine-tuning your profile like a pro

Building your network

How to use LinkedIn search

Making connections on LinkedIn

Automation tools

Creating quality content

Content inspiration

Copywriting basics

Engaging your audience

Creating a content plan

Master the Linkedin algorithm

LinkedIn secret features

Practical tips for increasing the reach of your posts

We've been in some pretty cool companies with our training.

Ready to rule LinkedIn?

Leave us your details. We will get back to you.

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